Published December 31, 2004 | Version v1
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Synonymy of the reduviid (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) genus Torrealbaia (Triatominae) with Amphibolus (Harpactorinae), with notes on Amphibolus venator (Klug, 1830)


Forero, Dimitri, Weirauch, Christiane, Baena, Manuel (2004): Synonymy of the reduviid (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) genus Torrealbaia (Triatominae) with Amphibolus (Harpactorinae), with notes on Amphibolus venator (Klug, 1830). Zootaxa 670: 1-12, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.169389



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  • (1998). Another character that points to an affinity of Torrealbaia with Harpactorinae rather than Triatominae was not mentioned by Carcavallo et al. (1998). According to Davis (1969) and our own observations, Harpactorinae possess a distinct spur on the fore tibia, which bears the tibial comb. Even though the comb is present in the majority of Reduviidae, the spur is restricted to only some subfamilies, and it is not present in Triatominae. The photographs provided by Dr. C. Galvao of T. martinezi clearly indicate that the spur is present in this species.
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