Planned intervention: On Thursday 19/09 between 05:30-06:30 (UTC), Zenodo will be unavailable because of a scheduled upgrade in our storage cluster.

There is a newer version of the record available.

Published November 14, 2016 | Version v1.3.0
Software Open

ggobi/ggally: GGally 1.3.0

  • 1. Iowa Workforce Development
  • 2. Monash University
  • 3. National Renewable Energy Labo
  • 4. Recently retired.
  • 5. Iowa State University
  • 6. Vanderbilt University
  • 7. @digitalreasoning
  • 8. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • 9. McMaster University
  • 10. RStudio, Inc.
  • 11. Gitter


GGally 1.3.0

ggmatrix.print - massive update!

  • Now prints with a ggplot2 facet'ed structure
  • Column titles are now placed in the strip of a plot matrix
  • If there are 16 plots or more, a progress bar is displayed automatically (if interactive). Please look at the documentation for ggmatrix_gtable more details.

ggmatrix legend

  • A legend may be added with the legend parameter in ggduo, ggpairs, and ggmatrix
  • May specify a (length two) numeric plot coordinate
  • May specify a (length one) numeric plot position
  • May specify a legend object retrieved from grab_legend

ggnostic - New function!

  • Produces a ggmatrix of diagnostic plots from a model object
  • Uses broom to retrieve model information
  • Each column of the plot matrix is a predictor variable. The rows can display the response variables, fitted points, residuals, standardized residuals, leave one out model sigma values, diagonals of the hat matrix, and cook's distance for each point.

ggfacet - New function!

  • Produces single ggplot2 object
  • interface is very similar to ggduo and ggpairs

fn_switch - New function!

  • Provide many functions in a list but only call one function at run time according to a mapping value
  • Useful for ggnostic for different behavior depending on the y variable
  • Allows for a 'default' value for the default switch case

ggmatrix - allow custom labellers for facet labels

  • Added labeller parameter which is supplied to ggplot2::facet_grid()
  • Allows for labels with plotmath expressions

ggmatrix and ggplot2::last_plot()

  • If a ggmatrix object is printed, ggplot2::last_plot() will return the plot matrix

ggmatrix and ggplot2 labels

  • ggplot2::labs +'ed to a ggmatrix object
  • ggplot2::xlab and ggplot2::ylab may be +'ed to a ggmatrix object
  • ggplot2::ggtitle +'ed to a ggmatrix object
  • (anything that returns a class of "labels" may be added to a ggmatrix object)

ggmatrix and ggplot2::ggsave()

  • ggsave now works with ggmatrix objects

ggpairs and ggduo check for cardinality (#197)

  • Before creating a ggmatrix object, a check is made for character/factor columns
  • If there are more than 15 (default) unique combinations, an error is thrown.
  • Setting cardinality_threshold parameter to a higher value can fix the problem (knowing single cell plots may take more time to produce)
  • Setting cardinality_threshold parameter to NULL can stop the check

ggmatrix plot proportions

  • ggmatrix can set the plot proportions with the parameters xProportions and yProportions
  • These will change the relative size of the plot panels produced.

ggally_cor colour aesthetic

  • color must be a non-numeric value


  • added boolean to allow for legend to not be sorted
  • fixed bug where censored points with custom color didn't match properly (#185)


ggally_box_no_facet and ggally_dot_no_facet

  • New methods added as defaults to pair with new ggmatrix print method



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