Cirebon as the Silk Road: A New Approach of Heritage Tourisme and Creative Economy
The tourism industry and creative economy in Cirebon can not be separated from the historical aspect of the city's growth and development as silk lines in the spread of Islam, trade, and acculturation is very smooth so that the ethnic diversification becomes a major part in tourist activities. With a qualitative approach that emphasizes the phenomenon of ethnic Cirebon with tourist objects that vary in every corner of this city, then this paper confirms that Cirebon is a tourist destination that is unique in terms of religion, culture, history, to the creative economy, especially religious tourism that will create this city as a friendly city for tourists.
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- A13: Relation of Economics to Social Values
- B41: Economic Methodology
- L83: Sports; Gambling; Restaurants; Recreation; Tourism
- N95: Asia including Middle East
- Z13: Economic Sociology; Economic Anthropology; Social and Economic Stratification