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Published November 11, 2016 | Version v1.17.0
Software Open

USCCANA/netdiffuseR: CRAN release version 1.17.0

  • 1. University of Southern California


Changes in netdiffuseR version 1.17.0 (2016-11-10) New features and changes
  • The title of the package is now Analysis of Diffusion and Contagion Processes on Networks.

  • The function struct_test now allows other types of graphs. Before it only supported diffnet objects.

  • The function rewire_graph gains a new argument for the algorithm "swap". Now to ensure aperiodicity in MCMC a chance of skiping a rewire has been included.

  • The function n_rewires now has a default of 20 (before it was 100). This is based on Ray et al (2012) (more details in the manual).

  • The function rgraph_ba gains a new argument, self=TRUE. By default behaves as before following Bollabas, but now can deviate to generate graphs with no autolinks.

  • In rgraph_ba, the argument eta allows implementing De Almeida et al. (2013) Scale-free homophilic networks.

  • The functions exposure and dgr are now pure R code (C++ functions were replace since there were no significant speed gains).

  • diffnet class objects now have two new meta-values: name and behavior.

  • Elements -graph-, -toa-, -adopt- and -cumadopt- in diffnet class objects have lost their dimnames (more efficient storage).

  • classify_adopters now always includes Non-Adopters.

New functions
  • vertex_covariate_dist computes distances between vertices using both the graph and a matrix of length nxK.

  • vertex_mahalanobis_dist computes mahalanobis distance between vertices (as above).

  • struct_test_asymp an asymptotic approximation of struct_test (not recomended).

  • ego_variance computes a pseudo variance at the ego level (aux function for struct_test).

  • transformGraphBy applies a function that transforms a graph considering structural zeros given by groups. Similar to the idea of the -by- option in struct_equiv.

  • read_ucinet read UCINET binary files (both header and graph file). Still work in progress.

  • plot.diffnet_degSeq method allows visualizing degree sequence as log-log plots (default).

  • diag_expand creates a single adjacency matrix from a dynamic graph.

  • summary.diffnet_adoptChange method generates a summary table of the df generated by select_egoalter.

  • permute_graph permutes the values of an adjacency matrix (Conditional Uniform Graph).

  • rewire_qap generates isomorphic graphs by "changing the labels".

Bug fixes
  • ^.diffnet method was rasing to +1 power, e.g. diffnet^2 was actually diffnet^3.

  • /.diffnet was not working.

  • plot_diffnet was computing the coordinates of the cells wrongly. Most of the time causing adding figures outside of the plotting area.

  • The c.diffnet_struct_test method was not updating the p.value.

  • The function edgelist_to_adjmat was not processing correctly undirected graphs when the edgelist represented a lower triangular matrix.

  • The function survey_to_diffnet had an issue processin dyn graph attrs returning errors. Now fixed.

  • The function select_egoalter returned error when graph was an array.

  • The method [[<-.diffnet failed when replacing a dynamic attribute with a NULL value (e.g. dn[["my_dyn_att"]] <- NULL).



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