- 1. South Ukrainian national pedagogical university n.a. KD Ushinsky
A special place in the physical rehabilitation occupy children with neurological
symptoms, especially children with cerebral palsy. Because of marked disorders of muscle tone is disturbed support ability, balance, maintaining upright posture, spatial orientation, coordination of fine and gross motor skills, coordination of breath and movement, aborted locomotor acts, a low
level of efficiency, quickness.
This article highlights the need for a differentiated approach to the choice of means of physical therapy, one of which is the massage exercises. Inclusion in the complex of massage action breathing exercises can addressable activate gas exchange processes in damaged muscle, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the correction system as a whole.
The basis of the experiment was to identify differences in the dynamics of a year physical readiness the two groups of children (by 14 people each) with CNS disorders, in correctional and rehabilitation in one of which included a series of breathing exercises static and dynamic character.
Research of the initial state of the contingent revealed that the physical readiness of children is characterized by a decrease in the absolute strength of upper limbs, the differentiation of speed and power capabilities of hands, the optimal level of power endurance of the shoulder girdle and hands, the deterioration of the hands coordination abilities and a significant deterioration in the speed-power capabilities of the lower extremities. The most characteristic of children with CNS was a significant deterioration in static equilibrium.
Based on the comparison the efficiency of the use massage exercises in the two groups, it should be noted that using breathing exercises on the background of massage exercises effectively promotes increase absolute strength, differentiates the speed and power ability and strength endurance upper extremities. Is not conducive to the development of coordination abilities of the
hands, reduces the excitability of peripheral link of the movement and that is the most significant effect, improves the function of the vestibular apparatus of children with CNS.
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