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Published September 21, 1994 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

A comparative analytical study of low-level motion estimators in space-time images


  • 1. Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), Heidelberg University


Various concepts for low-level motion estimation based on differential, tensor, and phase methods are revisited. They are reformulated in a unified way as filter methods in the continuous space-time domain. This approach allows inherent conceptual deficits to be distinguished from those related to the implementation in discrete space. A detailed analytical error analysis is performed. All techniques yield unbiased motion estimates for areas of constant velocity with any type of gray value structure in continuous space. Errors are only introduced by an inadequate discrete implementation. Further investigated are the influence of zero-mean normal distributed noise, spatially and temporally (accelerated) varying motion, motion discontinuities, and illumination changes.



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