Monitoring Open Science at university level for research assessment
Materials from the GraspOS Community of Practice meeting held on 22 January 2025
Topic of Discussion
The last decade has seen calls to reform research evaluation and practices and the accessibility of research results. Many institutions are reviewing their assessment practices seeking to cover a wider array of activities, and at the same time, there are calls from within the scientific community and other stakeholders to make the results of scientific research widely available.
The GraspOS Community of Practice meetings have focused the discussion on how research assessments can consider Open Science in a responsible way. This session focused on how Open Science is monitored at university level, and how this relates to assessment. Rita Morais (European University Association), Biljana Kosanović (University of Belgrade), Ana Đorđević (University of Belgrade), and Nicolas Fressengeas (University of Lorraine) shared different angles of the discussion.
- Slides from the presentation that was given by Biljana Kosanović and Ana Đorđević
- Slides from the presentation that was given by Rita Morais
- The collaborative notes that were taken on the day
- Slides from the presentation that was given by Nicolas Fressengeas