The article is of interest for risk management's personnel and chiefs of all levels in the process risk management. The article deals with the issue of forming risk management's budget and defines place this budget in the defense planning system. Also It is investigated the issue risk management in the budget's forming and execution. It is specially noted the basic five principles of qualitative budgeting are determined. Much attention is given to analyze the issues capabilities of the security sector. Graphically depicts the integration of the risk management process into the defense planning system is proposed. The components of the analysis of hazards at the stages of budget planning are determined. The text gives a valuable information on simulation approach is proposed that can be used to identify and describe budgeting risks. The need is stressed to employ special risk management software and has identified main risk management software products. The necessity of budgetary decentralization of powers in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is proposed. The need is stressed to employ the insurance in the risk management. Conclusions are drawn about improving risk management's in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and Army Forces of Ukraine.
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