First impressions... Photovoice exhibition
First Impressions was a photo-voice competition for all exchange students at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The call for entry ended October 31st, 2024 and the awards were announced on November 21st 2024, at the Polar Night event held in Tromsø. The exhibition travelled with a inter-campus box from Tromsø to campus Narvik (decembre 2024), Alta (January 2025) and Harstad (February 2025).
Preferred citation
Santos, J. & Mittner, L. (2024) First impressions... Photovoice exhibition for all exchange students at UiT. Organized by CRAFT-lab and ArcHum at UiT The Arctic University of Norway (October-November 2024). https://10.5281/zenodo.14711147
Exhibition Categories: Nature, City & coast, Interactions, Details, Other
Purpose of the competition and exhibition
- A platform for communication about life in Northern Norway
- Foster creativity, visibility, and engagement among exchange students
- Promote inter-campus activities
Instructions for Participants
- Take a picture/make a drawing of something that made a positive impression on you in Northern Norway.
- Only exchange students in their first semester can participate.
- One entry per participant.
- Only original photos taken with a mobile phone or hand-drawn sketches are allowed.
- No advanced image processing.
- Submit as .jpg file in 3:4 format into one of the five categories announced.
- Add your personal information, a title and a 15-word justification for the picture.
- The author gives permission to publish all the information digitally or in print under the CC BY 4.0 license.
- Prizes and certificates for the winners.
Be Aware of
- Useful techniques in photography:
- Ethics in photography:
What are we going to do with your information in the exhibition?
The selected pictures will be printed with the title and author name. By submitting a picture, you agree that we will handle these personal data. The material will be made available at the exhibition and online under the CC BY 4.0 license, which means that it cannot be replicated without credits.
Itinerant exhibition 2024 - 2025
21.11. 2024 Polar Night Celebration at Bazinga Cafeteria, Campus Tromsø. Prizes and certificates.
29.11.-2.12. Narvik campus
January 2025. Alta campus
February 2025. Harstad campus
- Assessment by a wide jury from UiT
- The three main selection criteria are agreement with the category, photographic quality and uniqueness.
- Depending on the category, other characteristics like expression, message, simplicity and humor will be valued; geographical area of origin may be considered.
- Final selection: 23 pictures
Organisers and jury
- Craft Research Lab
- Centre for Arctic Humanities
- UiT Environmental Humanities Network
- International Section/ Polar Night
- Student Parliament
- Erasmus Student Network
- Studentsampskipnaden
Media Coverage