Published December 6, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable 5.3: Visualization components for spatial, image, and simulation data


Research in HEREDITARY involves understanding properties, relationships and patterns in large and complex, heterogeneous data. Interactive data visualization provides techniques which can help to overview, and make sense of large and complex data sets, by finding appropriate visual representations and user interactions for the data. WP5 in HEREDITARY focuses on research and development of effective tools for interactive visual data analysis, supporting the HEREDITARY use cases.

This deliverable presents the results achieved in WP5 in developing visualization components for spatial, image, and simulation data in the first project year. The components have been informed by data and use cases from HEREDITARY partners and available open research data. The components are the basis for building standalone applications to address specific HEREDITARY use cases from M13, including functionality for interactive search and user guidance.



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HEREDITARY – HetERogeneous sEmantic Data integratIon for the guT-bRain interplaY 101137074
European Commission