IPBES Transformative Change Assessment: Summary for Policymakers
- O'Brien, Karen1
- Garibaldi, Lucas2
- Agrawal, Arun3
- Bennett, Elena4
- Biggs, Oonsie5
- Calderón Contreras, Rafael6
- Carr, Edward7
- Frantzeskaki, Niki8
- Gosnell, Hannah9
- Gurung, Janita10
- Lambertucci, Sergio11
- Leventon, Julia12
- Chuan, Liao13
- Reyes García, Victoria14
- Shannon, Lynne15
- Villasante, Sebastian16
- Wickson, Fern17
- Zinngrebe, Yves18
- Périanin, Laurence19
- 1. University of Oslo
- 2. National University of Río Negro
- 3. University of Michigan
- 4. McGill University
- 5. Stellenbosch University
- 6. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana
- 7. Stockholm Environment Institute
- 8. Utrecht University
- 9. Oregon State University
- 11. National University of Comahue
- 12. Czech Academy of Sciences, Global Change Research Institute
- 13. Cornell University
- 14. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- 15. University of Cape Town
- 16. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- 17. UiT The Arctic University of Norway
- 18. Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research
- 19. Université de Montpellier
Summary for Policymakers of the Thematic Assessment Report on the Underlying Causes of Biodiversity Loss and the Determinants of Transformative Change and Options for Achieving the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
The IPBES Transformative Change Assessment was initiated following a decision from the IPBES Plenary at its eigth session (IPBES-8, June 2021), and has been approved by the IPBES Plenary at its eleventh session (IPBES-11, Windhoek, 2024). It is composed of a Summary for Policymakers and five Chapters.
IPBES is an independent intergovernmental body established by Governments in 2012, IPBES provides policymakers with objective scientific assessments about the state of knowledge regarding the planet’s biodiversity, ecosystems and the contributions they make to people, as well as options and actions to protect and sustainably use these vital natural assets.
Notes (English)
Notes (English)
1. IPBES_TCA_SPM_Advance unedited version_20241216.pdf
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- Is part of
- Report: 10.5281/zenodo.11382215 (DOI)
- Is supplemented by
- Figure: 10.5281/zenodo.14170165 (DOI)