Published December 18, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.1 - EMERALDS Reference Architecture

  • 1. Konnecta


The objective of this deliverable is to present the Reference Architecture for the EMERALDS project, outlining the various components and tools, and illustrating how they are integrated into a unified EMERALDS toolset that can be merged into commercial and open-source platforms, thereby supporting an as a Service functionality across different tiers of the computing continuum. The key aspects covered in this deliverable include reference architecture design, functional and non-functional requirements, infrastructure/resource provisions, components’ high-level descriptions and technical KPIs.

EMERALDS’s vision is to design, develop and create an urban data-oriented Mobility Analytics as a Service (MAaaS) toolset, consisting of the proclaimed EMERALDS services, compiled in a proof-of-concept prototype, capable of exploiting the untapped potential of extreme urban mobility data. The toolset will enable the stakeholders of the urban mobility ecosystem to collect and manage ubiquitous spatio-temporal data of high-volume, high-velocity and of high-variety, analyse them both in online and offline settings, import them to real-time responsive AI/ML algorithms and visualise results in interactive dashboards, whilst implementing privacy preservation techniques at all data modalities and at all levels of a data workflow architecture. The toolset will offer advanced capabilities in data mining (searching and processing) of large amounts and varieties of urban mobility data.



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EMERALDS – Extreme-scale Urban Mobility Data Analytics as a Service 101093051
European Commission