Data archive for "Temporal Evolution of S-band Circular Polarization Ratio of Kilometer-scale Craters on the Lunar Maria"
- 1. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- 2. Harvey Mudd College
- 3. University of Tennessee/Knoxville
This is raw data related to our study ""Temporal Evolution of S-band Circular Polarization Ratio of Kilometer-scale Craters on the Lunar Maria" in JGR-Planets.
The large zip file "" includes radial CPR information around >6000 craters on the lunar maria from Mini-RF.
The spreadsheet "CraterAges_for_UniqueCrats.xlsx" provides our topography-derived age estimate for each of these craters.
The spreadsheet "MediansTableS1_Figure1.xlsx" is the median of the CPR for craters grouped by age, and is the source of Fig. 1 of the paper and Table S1 in the supplemental information.