Published July 16, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

A new species of bandy-bandy (Vermicella: Serpentes: Elapidae) from the Weipa region, Cape York, Australia


Derez, Chantelle M., Arbuckle, Kevin, Ruan, Zhiqiang, Xie, Bing, Huang, Yu, Dibben, Lauren, Shi, Qiong, Vonk, Freek J., Fry, Bryan G. (2018): A new species of bandy-bandy (Vermicella: Serpentes: Elapidae) from the Weipa region, Cape York, Australia. Zootaxa 4446 (1): 1-12, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4446.1.1



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