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There is a newer version of the record available.

Published September 30, 2018 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

GEDII Wearable Sensors Dataset of 8 Research Teams

  • 1. Universidad Oberta de Catalunya
  • 2. Oxford Brookes


The dataset contains Bluetooth (proximity), Infrared (face-to-face), Speech (microphone) and Accelerometer (body activity) data of 8 research teams collected during 5 working days in each team. Altogether N is 76 team members. Socio-demographic data as well as round-robin ratings regarding friendship and advice seeking is included. Data was collected using Sociometric badges by Humanyze (formerly Sociometric Solutions).

The present dataset has been produced within the context of a EU funded H2020 research project called “Gender-Diversity-Impact: Improving Research and Innovation through Gender Diversity. (GEDII)”. The project has been running from 2015 to 2018 with the aim to develop new tools and methods for doing research on the impact of gender diversity in R&D teams. In order to address these questions, GEDII makes use of a variety of research methods, including a cross country survey, bibliometric & patent analysis and detailed case studies with R&D teams.

The dataset is distributed as R package.


R package of wearable sensors dataset of 8 research teams.


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GEDII – Gender Diversity Impact – Improving research and innovation through gender diversity 665851
European Commission