Published December 12, 2024
| Version v1
Simulation data for paper "Interplay of large-scale drift and turbulence in the heliospheric propagation of solar energetic particles"
The datasets contains the data analysed in paper "Interplay of large-scale drift and turbulence in the heliospheric propagation of solar energetic particles" by T. Laitinen and S. Dalla.
The file contains files Set_N_AAAA.csv, where N is an integer from 1 to 8, and AAAA is either "scat" or "turb". These files contain simulation data for 8 different simulation sets with two different types of simulations in each. The simulation sets are described in table1.csv, which contains the data in Table 1 of the paper. Further results are given in table2.csv, which contains the data in Table 2 of the paper
- Set_N_AAAA.csv:
- t0: time of the first crossing of 1-au sphere (s)
- dt: time between the last and first crossing of the 1-au sphere (s)
- theta0: colatitude of the first crossing of 1-au sphere (degrees)
- dtheta: difference between the colatitudes of the last and first crossings of 1-au sphere (degrees) - table1.csv:
- Set: Simulation set identifier (string)
- E MeV: proton energy (MeV)
- Pol: Unipolar solar magnetic polarity (B+: outwards and B-: inwards pointing field)
- vd_theor: Drift velocity calculated at 1 au from theory (km/s)
- Sim: Simulation identifier (scat or turb)
- Lambda: Parallel mean free path in scat simulations (au)
- dB2B2_1au: Relative turbulence variance at 1 au
- vd_FL: Median drift velocity obtained from medians of each turbulence realisation drift velocities (km/s)
- vd_FL_std: standard deviation of the medians of each turbulence realisation drift velocities (km/s) - - table2.csv:
- Set: Simulation set identifier (string)
- rL_lambda_s: ratio of the particle’s Larmor radius and the breakpoint scale of the slab component of the turbulence
- fs_sim: Drift reduction factor obtained from simulations
- fs_sim_std: Standard deviation of drift reduction factor obtained from simulations
- fs_BAM: Drift reduction factor obtained from theory of Bieber & Matthaeus (1997)
- fs_Eng2017: Drift reduction factor obtained from theory of Engelbrecht et al. (2017)
Additional details
Related works
- Is supplement to
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