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Published December 4, 2024 | Version v1
Report Open

D4c.1 – Supply chain risk management approach for hydrogen infrastructure components

  • 1. ROR icon Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
  • 2. ROR icon DNV (Netherlands)


Hydrogen gas is expected to become an essential clean energy carrier in the Netherlands and globally. The introduction and scaling of hydrogen systems face numerous challenges, including market dependencies, supply chain complexities, and resource limitations. The study explores supply chain risks related to component manufacturing, highlighting that disruptions in the supply chain can significantly delay the completion of the hydrogen system.

The output of this study is a five-step Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) approach to identify and mitigate supply chain risks. This approach aims to contribute to the timely availability of critical components required in construction projects.
The steps include:
1. Identifying component needs
2. Analysing trade flows and manufacturing industry characteristics
3. Consulting Original Equipment Manufacturing and supply chain experts
4. Performing risk assessments
5. Translating procurement and supply chain risks into the critical path planning of infrastructure development projects.

The key finding from this study therefore is the importance of early-stage and continuous supply chain risk management to prevent component supply issues from hindering project timelines.

Dit project is medegefinancierd door TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie uit de PPS-toeslag
onder referentienummer TKI2023-HyDelta


D4_C1_HyDelta_Derde_tranche_Supply_chain_risk_h2_infrastructure components_EN.pdf

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