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Published December 3, 2024 | Version v1
Conference proceeding Open

Modelling the PHC-char separator for the PYSOLO solar integrated pyrolysis plant

  • 1. Politecnico di Torino
  • 2. Re-Cord


The EU supported PYSOLO project aims at investigating a pyrolysis reactor with Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology, to enhance biomass conversion and reduced process energy demand. As part of this project, a comprehensive numerical model has been proposed to describe the dynamics of a separator, fed by a mixture of Particles Heat Carrier (PHC) and char. This model supports the design of efficient separation systems, which will be tested under both cold and hot conditions with dedicated experimental setups. The separation concept uses fluidized bed technology in a dense zone, leveraging on the biochar and PHC particles density differences. The numerical modelling aims at defining the best operative conditions, including but not limited to gas phase velocity, char and heat carrier properties and dimensional distributions, etc.



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PYSOLO – PYrolysis of biomass by concentrated SOLar pOwer 101118270
European Commission

