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Published November 29, 2024 | Version v1
Report Open

D4b.2 Optimal sensor placement strategies for monitoring the dynamic pressure of gas networks

  • 1. ROR icon Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research


Changes in the operation of the future Dutch energy system bring challenges for the operation of the distribution networks. To connect local feeder, the pressure and flow in the gas network need to be regulated more actively. One of the challenges will be to accurately monitor the network with a limited number of sensors.

Optimal pressure sensor placement is performed with two methods. The first method is a list of criteria established by DSOs for finding critical locations, i.e. practical rules. The purpose of the practical rules is to assess extreme scenarios and the topology of the assets in the network and identify locations that can give a good indication of how close the network is to its capacity limit. The second method is a smart sensor placement algorithm which aims to reduce uncertainty (due to uncertainties in the input data for simulation tools) in the pressure values from the gas network model. The algorithm is capable of finding the optimal pressure sensor locations for minimum model-induced errors in the pressure values.
Two research questions were answered:
1. Realtime measurement is a pre-requisite for control: what is the optimal location for placing flow and pressure sensors to understand the system behaviour?
2. How can the combination of monitoring, simulation and control improve the operation of future gas networks?

Controlling the outlet pressure of a decentralised hydrogen feeder can increase the feed-in capacity of this feeder. To do this, the pressures in the network need to be measured with a certain accuracy. A combination of a gas network simulator and sensors provides more insight into the pressures in the network than using a simulator or sensors alone. It has been demonstrated that the pressure uncertainty from the gas network model (due to uncertainty in the demand data) can be simulated and reduced by using sensors. The application of practical rules with Astraia can find the optimal pressure sensor locations to achieve acceptable pressure uncertainty levels. This allows the pressures of the feeders to be actively controlled, increasing the total feed-in capacity and reducing the need for shutdowns or boosters to manage surplus production.

Dit project is medegefinancierd door TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie uit de PPS-toeslag onder referentienummer TKI2023-HyDelta.

