Published November 27, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Personalised nutrition Quisper and development of a personalised nutrition community


The abundance of online personalised nutrition services, and the integration of artificial intelligence in wearables and apps as elements of these services, are part of the global trend for personalisation. With respect to diet, however, most of these resources lack scientific rigour, which can potentially diminish consumer trust and compliance. The non-for profit Quisper® Association aims to provide scientifically validated personalised nutrition resources to third parties delivering personalised diet and health services to consumers, as a way of improving the quality of this advice. Formation of an independent Quisper Scientific Advisory Board (QuiSAB), and the creation of a personalised nutrition community around Quisper®, are amongst the crucial steps taken to develop and support more science-based personalised nutrition resources and advice.



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