Searching for compact hierarchical triple systems candidates in astrometric binaries and accelerated solutions
This dataset contains the tables accompanying the paper "Searching for compact hierarchical triple systems candidates in astrometric binaries and accelerated solutions" by Bashi D. & Tokovinin A. accepted to A&A Nov-2024.
The data tables contain information on Gaia orbital and accelerated sources from the Gaia DR3 Non-Single Star catalogue, sorted by the difference between RV-based and astrometric semi-amplitudes (ΔK) and by radial velocity standard deviation (σRV), respectively.
*Table 1** lists Gaia orbital source IDs sorted by ΔK, including all sources analysed, not only the CHT candidates. The exact cut used to identify the 956 CHT candidates is ΔK > 5 km/s.
**Table 4** lists Gaia accelerated source IDs sorted by σRV, including all sources analysed, not only the close binaries in accelerated solutions. The exact cut used to identify the 3,115 triple candidates is based on the relation:
log10(RV_sig) > 0.22356214723314 + exp(0.703222411*(grvs_mag - 12.73160))
+ 3 * 10^(0.262670 - 0.0873498006*grvs_mag)
where RV_sig is the radial velocity standard deviation, and grvs_mag is the integrated GRVS magnitude from Gaia.
For each source, we provide the Gaia DR3 source identifier, right ascension and declination, various semi-amplitudes derived from astrometric and radial velocity data, and other relevant parameters.
The data files are provided in **FITS format**.
File Summary:
FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
ReadMe 80 . This file
table1.fits 19,858 Gaia orbital sources sorted by ΔK
table4.fits 81,852 Gaia accelerated sources sorted by σRV
See also:
I/355 : Gaia DR3 Catalogue (Gaia Collaboration, 2022)
Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.fits
Column Format Units Label Explanations
SOURCE_ID Int64 --- Source Gaia DR3 source identifier
RA Float64 deg RAdeg Right Ascension (ICRS) at epoch 2016.0
DEC Float64 deg DEdeg Declination (ICRS) at epoch 2016.0
K_0 Float32 km/s K0 Astrometric semi-amplitude
K_1 Float32 km/s K1 RV-based semi-amplitude
K_0_ERROR Float32 km/s e_K0 Error in K_0
K_1_ERROR Float32 km/s e_K1 Error in K_1
K_DIFF Float32 km/s K_diff Difference between K_0 and K_1 in sigmas
Byte-by-byte Description of file: table4.fits
Column Format Units Label Explanations
SOURCE_ID Int64 --- Source Gaia DR3 source identifier
RA Float64 deg RAdeg Right Ascension (ICRS) at epoch 2016.0
DEC Float64 deg DEdeg Declination (ICRS) at epoch 2016.0
ACC Float32 AU/yr^2 acc Astrometric acceleration
sK_1 Float32 km/s sK1 Estimated semi-amplitude sK_1
sK_1_ERROR Float32 km/s e_sK1 Error in sK_1
RV_SIG Float32 km/s RVsig Radial velocity standard deviation (RV_sig)
GRVS_MAG Float32 mag GRVS Gaia integrated GRVS magnitude
- The astrometric acceleration (acc) in table4.fits is derived from Gaia DR3 data.
- The RV_sig is the radial velocity standard deviation from Gaia DR3.
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