Published March 1, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A comparative analysis of nutritional quality, amino acid profile, and nutritional supplementations in plant-based products and their animal- based counterparts in the UK


Plant-based (PB) food products have surged in popularity over the past decade. In the UK, available PB products were compared with animal-based (AB) counterparts for nutrient content and Nutri-Scores. Amino acid analysis of four beef products and their PB alternatives was conducted using LC-MS/MS.

PB products consistently showed significantly higher fibre content across all food groups. AB products had higher protein content, except in beef and ready meals. PB products generally had higher Nutri-Scores but exhibited greater variability within each group. Nutrient fortification was most common in dairy and ready meals, with vitamin B12 being the most frequently supplemented nutrient (15% of products). Beef products contained a higher proportion of essential amino acids (EAAs) relative to total protein content.



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