D3b.4 - Scenario analysis of emissions associated with supply of hydrogen in the form of ammonia
Hydrogen is expected to play a key role in achieving a net-zero emissions society by decarbonizing various sectors. In the Netherlands, limited renewable electricity capacity has led to plans to import hydrogen from regions with favourable conditions for green hydrogen production. This study focuses on quantifying the greenhouse gas emissions of hydrogen imported into the Netherlands via ammonia from various countries, considering differences in infrastructure and shipping conditions.
The study takes on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach quantifying greenhouse gas emissions of the ammonia supply chain for hydrogen import from two different export countries: Australia and Canada. For each country three scenarios are considered, with different assumptions on the usage of renewable electricity, grid electricity and tanker fuel.
The results show a major increase in carbon footprint when grid electricity is used in the ammonia synthesis step. Secondly, there are also noticeable differences in carbon footprint between both countries, since the average grid electricity mix of Australia and Canada is different. The selection of the export country based on the carbon intensity of its grid electricity mix plays a significant role in achieving compliance with RED III. Companies aiming to lead in the green hydrogen market should focus on exporting from regions with cleaner grid electricity and enhancing supply chain connectivity to renewable energy sources.
Dit project is medegefinancierd door TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie uit de PPS-toeslag onder referentienummer TKI2023-HyDelta
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