Published November 18, 2024 | Version v1
Conference proceeding Open

Conference Proceedings NEFI NEW ENERGY FOR INDUSTRY 2022


Today, Austrian industry as a whole consumes approximately 110 TWh each year, equating to around 27% of gross domestic product. While carbon emissions are decreasing in the building sector and climate-friendly solutions are gradually impacting transportation, this downward trend has not yet started in industry. The innovation network "NEFI - New Energy for Industry", funded by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund together with the federal states of Styria and Upper Austria, demonstrates feasible solutions for achieving climate neutrality in the industrial sector. NEFI showshow climate action contributes to Austria's long-term security as an industrial location, and how comprehensive technologies "Made in Austria" can be implemented globally. NEFI covers a wide range of technological and systemic action fields addressing climate neutrality:

  • New energy-efficient process technologies
  • Storage systems
  • Industrial demand-side management solutions

NEFI also addresses methods for energy exchange between industrial sites and the public energy grid, future business models and policy recommendations, and industry-compatible solutions for tomorrow's energy infrastructure. Interaction between the different fields of action leads to (cross-energy) system solutions which are also explored in the NEFI innovation network. The network wasestablished by the AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology, Montanuniversität Leoben, OÖ Energiesparverband, and Business Upper Austria. It brings together broad-ranging expertise in energy research and project implementation, forming a consortium consisting of over 100 companies, 14 research partners, and 5 institutional partners.


Conference Proceedings NEFI NEW ENERGY FOR INDUSTRY 2022.pdf

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Climate and Energy Fund