Published November 12, 2024 | Version 1.0
Working paper Open

Standards for Official Statistics on Climate-Health Interactions (SOSCHI): Malnutrition (stunting): introduction

  • 1. ROR icon University of Ghana
  • 2. ROR icon University of Health and Allied Sciences


Climate change is leading to more extreme temperatures, precipitation, and other weather events. These changes exacerbate conditions which lead to malnutrition, a health condition resulting from an imbalance in dietary intake, where nutrients are either insufficiently or overly consumed, leading to adverse health effects. Conditions which impact malnutrition include soil fertility, crop and livestock production and diversity, food and water security, and sanitation. This topic area aims to quantify the health impacts of malnutrition attributable to extreme temperatures, precipitation, and drought.

This is the Topic Introduction document. 



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Wellcome Trust
Standards for Official Statistics on Climate-Health Interactions (SOSCHI) 224682/Z/21/Z