Published October 31, 2024 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable D5.4 UNITA Impact Observatory Plan


Context and Objectives
This deliverable addresses the need for a strategy to measure and assess the impact of new  ecosystems developed within the framework of the European University Initiative by the Erasmus+  program. It shifts focus from merely academic to societal impact, including benefits like  environmental sustainability. The goal is to establish a unified framework for impact assessment,  harmonizing quantitative and qualitative indicators for alliances while respecting each university’s  unique characteristics.
The proposed approach combines a Theory of Change framework with two observatories for internal  and external evaluation, employing the Rational Unified Process (RUP) methodology. This includes a four-phase structure— inception, elaboration, construction, and transition— to enable continuous  development aligned with alliance goals.
Results and Outcomes
A multi-dimensional observatory framework, UNITAPedia, was developed to capture and evaluate  impact across six viewpoints: structural, strategic, beneficiaries, semantic, infrastructure, and data.  An external observatory focuses on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), benchmarking against the  Times Higher Education Impact Ranking, and promoting shared best practices.
Impact and Applications
This strategy enhances visibility for participating universities and fosters knowledge transfer,  promoting innovation in impact assessment. The observatories serve as practical tools for ongoing  measurement, visibility, and the collective learning of sustainable practices.
Conclusions and Next Steps
UNITA’s strategy incorporates a continuous improvement cycle to evolve with needs, fostering  collaboration and innovation. Future directions include strengthening knowledge transfer and  expanding the reach of impact assessment innovations across European universities.
Keywords: impact assessment, European University Initiative, sustainability, Theory of Change, SDGs, 
knowledge transfer.


D5.4_UNITA Impact Observatory Plan (1).pdf

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