Published November 5, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Utilisation Of Digital Marketing Through Influencers To Maintain Sekomandi Weaving As A Creative Economic Product Of Kalumpang Women In Mamuju District



Sekomandi weaving is a fabric inherited from the Kalumpang community of Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, believed to be one of the oldest weavings with a span of more than 480 years. The obstacles experienced by Sekomandi weaving craftsmen are still onerous to determine the market share which has an impact on the lack of demand from local people and tourists visiting Mamuju Regency. This research aims to maintain and escalate the creative economy of Kalumpang women by utilising digital marketing through influencers. This research employed a mixed method with a SWOT matrix approach to find strengths, overcome weaknesses, then maximise opportunities and threats. The number of informants was five craftsmen of Sekomadi Kalumpang woven fabric.  Primary data were collected by observation, interviews and questionnaires. The results of the study were in Quadrant I position, namely Sekomandi woven fabric had the opportunity to survive in the midst of fabric product competition if it utilised product marketing using digital marketing through the roles of influencers in maintaining Kalumpang women's creativeeconomy products in Mamuju Regency. S-O (Strengths-Opportunities) strategic steps were taken to ameliorate brand awareness of Sekomandi woven fabric using digital marketing in collaboration with the role of influencers in creating relevant creative and authentic content that could elevate the sales target of Sekomandi woven fabric directly impacting influencer followers. The novelty of the research lies in the use of social media digital marketing utilising the roles of influencers in introducing Sekomandi woven fabric products handcrafted by Kalumpang women in Mamuju Regency.

Keywords: Digital Marketing; influencer; Creative Economy; Women; Sekomandi Weaving



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