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Published October 31, 2024 | Version 1.0
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Filling Sustainability Policy Gaps in the EU context: a Critical Analysis of Zeolite Synthesis from Waste


The present Blueprint draws on insights from the EU-funded Z-ONA4LIFE project, an initiative focused on the sustainable production and recycling of aluminium salt slag in Spain and across Europe.The data were gathered through exchanges with experts in the form of a workshop and an open consultation, which have highlighted the critical role of synthetic zeolites in advancing circular economy practices, particularly in sectors such as catalysis, environmental remediation, and agriculture.
Zeolites, known for their versatile applications and sustainable benefits, are central to the project’s goals of reducing dependency on raw materials and promoting innovative recycling technologies. The Z-ONA4LIFE project specifically focuses on fostering a market for synthetic zeolites, starting in Spain and expanding throughout Europe, by leveraging industrial by-products, thereby aligning with the European Union’s Green Deal and Circular Economy Action Plan. This blueprint synthesises the data gathered, and provides preliminary recommendations aimed at closing key policy gaps that hinder the full adoption of waste-based zeolite at an industrial scale.


Z-ONA4LIFE Blueprint Oct24_web.pdf

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European Union
Z-ONA4LIFE 101114027