Autonomic Dysfunction Among Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer in the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study
Groarke, John David1
Ness, Kirsten K.2
Dhaduk, Rikeenkumar2
- Plana, Juan C.3
- Durand, Bernard4
- Luepker, Russell V.5
- Joshi, Vijaya M.5
- Ehrhardt, Matthew2
- Mulrooney, Daniel A.2
- Dixon, Stephanie B.2
- Nohria, Anju1
- Green, Daniel M.2
- Howell, Rebecca M.4
- Srivastava, Deo Kumar2
- Jefferies, John L.5
- Robison, Leslie L.2
- Hudson, Melissa M.2
- Armstrong, Gregory T.2
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John D. Groarke MBBCh et al. (2024) Autonomic dysfunction among adult survivors of childhood cancer in the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study, JACC: CardioOncology. Available at:
Data dictionary:
ID: Serial number
Abn_HR: Abnormal HR
BMI: BMI category
BMIadj: BMI adjusted
EF: Left ventricular ejection fraction
MVPA150: Moderate to Vigorous physical activity
PackYear: Pack years of smoking
Statin: Statin therapy
Studypop: Population
abpelGY: Abdominal/Pelvic radiation dose,Gy
acearb: ACE/AR inhibitors
agedx: Age at diagnosis
agegxt: Age at CPET
aldo: Aldosterone antagonists
alkyn: Alylating agent
amputation: Amputation
anthradose: Anthracycline dose mg/m2
apelvdose: Abdominal/pelvic dose
apelvrt: Abdominal/pelvic RT
asparyn: Aspariginase
avgee: E/e' ratio
badmtns: mtnstot 5+
betablock: Beta blockers
bleoyn: Bleomycin
bpblunt: Blunted blood presssure response
brainGY: Cranial radiation dose,Gy
brainrt: Brain RT
calcium: Calcium channel blockers
carboyn: Carboplatin
chestGY: Chest radiation dose,Gy
chestrt: Chest RT
ci: Chronotropic incompetence
cisyn: Cisplatin
dia: Diabetes mellitus
elevateRHR: Elevated HR
fev1: Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) < 80% predicted
howmany: N of Markers of Autonomic Dysfunction
htn: Hypertension
late10: Lateral e’ <10 cm/sec
lip: Dyslipidemia
loop: Loop diuretics
male: Male
markers2: 2 or more markers of Autonomic Dysfunction
mtxyn: Methotrexate
nephrectomy: Nephrectomy
newdx: Diagnosis group
pfat: % fat mass
plean: % lean mass
pou80: Impaired cardiorespiratory fitness
quadz: Quadricep strength zscore
riskydrk: Risky drinking
sepe7: Septal e’ <7 cm/sec
sixmpyn: 6 Mercaptopurine
smk: Smoking status
stime: Time since diagnosis
strainroc: GLS >=1.5
thiaz: Thiazide diuretics
thoracotomy: Thoractomy
vi34: Left atrial volume index >34 ml/m2
vincyn: Vincristine
week_min_pa: Weekly minutes physcial activity
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