Published October 25, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Investigating the Impact of Mastery Motivation on Twelfth-Grade Math Performance: A Gender-Modulated Analysis of NAEP Mathematics Assessment Scores



Objective – This study explores the relationship between mastery motivation and math performance among twelfth-grade students while investigating how gender moderates this relationship. Specifically, the study aims to analyze the impact of mastery goals, performance goals, and persistence in math on NAEP twelfth-grade mathematics assessment scores and examine how gender influences this relationship.

Methods – Mastery motivation, measured by mastery goals, performance goals, and persistence, is the independent variable, while the dependent variable is the 2019 NAEP Mathematics Assessment scores for Grade 12 students. The study also investigates the interaction between mastery motivation and gender as a moderator variable. Data was collected through the NAEP background questionnaire, and data analysis was performed using the NAEP Data Explorer, including descriptive tables, t-tests, and Cohen's d-effect sizes.

Results – The study found that industry professionals and employers value micro-credentials to address the skills gap and provide accessible learning opportunities. Micro-credentials are seen as a means of achieving lifelong and competency-based learning, enabling individuals to adapt to changes in their profession and stay competitive in the job market.

Conclusions – Results showed that as mastery motivation increased, so did math achievement for both genders, but males had higher scores on average. The study suggests that addressing the gender gap in math performance requires a comprehensive approach that considers social and cultural factors, promotes equal opportunities, and resources, and implements inclusive teaching practices. Limitations of the study include using self-reported data and focusing only on grade 12 students. Recommendations for future research include qualitative studies, longitudinal studies, investigating the impact of different interventions, and considering the role of intersectionality in math performance and motivation.

Keywords: Gender Achievement Gap, Mastery Motivation, (NAEP) Twelfth-Grade Mathematics Assessment, Achievement Goal Theory, Persistence, Social Desirability Bias, Stereotype Threats



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