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Published October 24, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

SIMCor. Deliverable 2.4 - Dissemination events (LYN, M42)


  • 1. ROR icon Lynkeus (Italy)


The deliverable reports on the dissemination events (conferences, workshops, symposia, focus groups) attended by consortium partners or (co)organised by the consortium throughout the project and beyond. These include (1) academic and business conferences, workshops and symposia in cardiology, biomechanics, in-silico medicine, healthcare economics; (2) self- and co-organised workshops and meetings with sister projects in the field of in-silico medicine; (3) clinical focus groups with clinicians and patients; (4) working meetings with regulatory and notified bodies, to support and contribute to regulatory acceptance and standardisation efforts for modelling and simulation used in regulatory approval procedures of medical devices. The events are divided into the project reporting periods (M1-M18, M19-M36, M37-M42 and beyond) and include basic information on the event, the specific contribution of the consortium and means of event communication.



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SIMCOR – In Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular Implantable devices 101017578
European Commission