Published March 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

EIRENE PPP D8.2 - Stakeholders engagement report (currently being reviewed by the EC)

  • 1. Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek


This deliverable describes the development of the EIRENE PPP Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), engagement that needs to start already during EIRENE PPP but will continue in the next phase, i.e., the EIRENE Implementation Phase (IP). A strategy is set up to organize engagement, but it does not detail the actual execution of some of the listed actions to organize the engagement.


EIRENE PPP D8.2 - Stakeholders Engagement Report.pdf

Files (403.2 kB)

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European Commission
EIRENE PPP – Environmental Exposure Assessment Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase Project 101079789