Published October 10, 2024 | Version v1
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Three new species of the genus Viettherchnus Kirejtshuk, 1985 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae: Cyllodini)


Jelínek, Josef, Hájek, Jiří (2024): Three new species of the genus Viettherchnus Kirejtshuk, 1985 (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae: Nitidulinae: Cyllodini). Zootaxa 5519 (4): 590-600, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5519.4.7, URL:



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  • Grouvelle, A. (1914) H. Sauter's Formosa-Ausbeute. Rhysodidae, Nitidulidae, Ostomidae, Colydiidae, Passandridae, Cucujidae, Cryptophagidae, Diphyllidae, Lathridiidae, Mycetophagidae, Dermestidae. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, Abteilung A, 79 (11), 33-76. [1913]
  • Hisamatsu, S. (1961) Four new species of Nitidulidae from Japan (Coleoptera). Transactions of the Shikoku Entomological Society, 7, 26-32.
  • Kirejtshuk, A.G. (1985) Novye vidy Cyllodes Erichson i Viettherchnus gen. n. (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) fauny Vietnama i sopredel'nykh territorii [New species of Cyllodes Erichson and Viettherchnus gen. n. (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) of the fauna of Vietnam and adjoining territories]. In: Medvedev, L.N. (Ed.), Nasekomye Vietnama [Insects of Vietnam]. Nauka, Moskva, pp. 157-164. [in Russian]
  • Kirejtshuk, A.G. (1987) Novye vidy kompleksa rodov blizkikh k Cyllodes Erichson (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) iz Indokitaya i sopredel'nykh territorii [New species of the complex of genera related to Cyllodes Erichson from Indochina and adjoining territories]. In: Medvedev, L.N. (Ed.), Entomofauna Vietnama [Entomofauna of Vietnam]. Nauka, Moskva, pp. 137-170. [in Russian]
  • Kirejtshuk, A.G. & Kirk-Spriggs, A.H. (1996) Viettherchnus Kirejtshuk, 1985 and Ceramphosia gen. n. from the Indo-Malayan Region (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 4, 131-138. [1995]
  • Reitter, E. (1878) [Neue Japanische Kafer]. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 22, 89-90.