Published October 10, 2024 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Crossroads of Commerce: How the Taiwan Strait Propels the Global Economy - Supplemental Material


Supplemental Material to the CSIS Report: Crossroads of Commerce: How the Taiwan Strait Propels the Global Economy

  1. tws_2022_trade_value_estimates.csv contains estimated trade value in USD for 2022. Denominators for % estimates based on 2022 CEPII BACI bilateral trade flows
    Variable Description
    ISO ISO3 Country Code
    Economy  Country/Region Name
    TWS Imports_bln US$ value (billions) of imports that transit the Taiwan Strait
    TWS Imports_% % of total imports that transit the Taiwan Strait
    TWS Exports_bln US$ value (billions) of exports that transit the Taiwan Strait
    TWS Exports_% % of total exports that transit the Taiwan Strait
    Total TWS Trade_bln US$ value (billions) of trade (imports+exports) that transits the Taiwan Strait
    Total TWS Trade_% % of total trade (imports+exports) that transits the Taiwan Strait
  2.  ChinaPower_CrossroadsCommerce_TaiwanStrait_methodology.pdf provides and overview of methodology and data sources. 
  3.  ChinaPower_CrossroadsCommerce_TaiwanStrait_factsheet.pdf provides key highlights derived from the data.

For questions about the data, please contact David Peng ( 




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