Published July 1, 2024 | Version v1
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The Gospel of Luke's Narrative. Its Main Features and Foundations

  • 1. ROR icon University of Balamand


The Lucan narrative is the most extensive literary work of the New Testament and has a complex system of sources, especially if we include its second volume, the Book of Acts. For structuring this article, I have arranged the topics into five sections that highlight the characteristics and foundations of the Lucan narrative from a synchronic perspective and accentuating both its linguistic and theological aspects.
The elegance of Lucan feather, the art with which he combines the sources at his disposal and the way in which he exposes his theological priorities make the Gospel a masterpiece that is intricate and rich in form and content. In these pages I will try to highlight the fundamental components and characteristics of its narrative, starting from five thematic axes: The Lucan work as an etiology, the particularity of Lucan synchronisms and their function in the macro-narrative, the management of geographical
spaces in the entire Gospel, the importance of the Temple in the narrative, and Jesus’ relationship with his opponents and followers.


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