Published December 17, 2024 | Version v1.2
Dataset Open

Dataset on Weather-related disasters in agriculture in Italy - WDA

  • 1. Council for Agricultural Research and Economics



The dataset is the supplementary material for the following journal paper:

Pontrandolfi A, Alilla R, De Natale F, Nuti R, Parisse B, Pepe AG, Dataset on Weather-related Disasters in Agriculture (WDA) in Italy 2005–2021, Data in Brief

The database on Weather-related disasters in agriculture (WDA) is a part of the cloud storage which hosts the materials of the Observatory for agricultural meteorology and climatology of the Research Center for Agriculture and Environment belonging to the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA). The Observatory website has a specific section devoted to weather-related risk in agriculture.

A specific relational SQL database has been created fo data entry information from the official decrees of WDA declaration in Italy.

From this relational SQL database, a dataset of WDA has been extracted for the period from 2005 to 2021 and here published

The WDA dataset aims to make available useful data for weather-related risk assessment and analysis in the Italian agricultural sector.

Attached content:

  • pdf file "A_Description_Dataset_Weather_related_disasters_agriculture_v1.2"
  • csv file "Dataset_Weather_related_disasters_agriculture_v1.2"
  • csv file "DiscoveryMD_Dataset_Weather_related_disasters_agriculture_v1.2"
  • xlsx file "StructuralMD_Dataset_Weather_related_disasters_agriculture_v1.2"


In this version (v1.2) the the dataset name has been updated, and the name of the attribute "Weather extreme event" has been modified in "Extreme weather event leading to disaster". Consequentely, the names have been updated in all the other files. In addition, the text of the documentation file ("A_Description_Dataset_Weather_related_disasters_agriculture_v1.2") has been improved.



The first years of implementation have been funded by the Ministry of Agriculture in the period 2010–2016, within several research projects on natural disasters and phytosanitary risks in agriculture and related policies.

Currently, the work has been carried out within the CREA research projects “Agrometeore” and "AgriDigit-Agromodelli" (tasks 2.1, 2.2 and 3.2; DM n. 36502 of 20/12/2018), funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, food sovereignty and forests.

The database is hosted on the cloud storage of the Observatory for Agricultural meteorology and climatology of CREA.



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