Published June 7, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

New species of the genus Phaleria Latreille (Tenebrionidae: Diaperinae) from northern coast of Peru


Giraldo-Mendoza, Alfredo (2019): New species of the genus Phaleria Latreille (Tenebrionidae: Diaperinae) from northern coast of Peru. Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 45 (2): 277-282, DOI: 10.35249/rche., URL:



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  • Doyen, J.T. (1976) Marine beetles. Marine insects (ed. Cheng, L.), pp. 497-519. North- Holland Publishing Company, The Netherlands.
  • Fallaci, M., Aloia A., Colombini, I. and Chelazzi, L. (2002) Population dynamics and life history of two Phaleria species (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) living on the Tyrrhenian sandy coast of central Italy. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology, 23(2): 69-79.
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  • Kaszab, Z. (1970) XIII. Coleoptera Tenebrionidae. Mission Zoologique Belge Aux Iles Galapagos et En Ecuador (N et Journal of Leleup, 1964-1965), 2: 183-210.
  • MCZ (2010) Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, Entomology Type Database. Accesed 19 February 2019. Available in: php
  • Shorthouse, D.P. (2010) SimpleMappr, an online tool to produce publication-quality point maps. Accessed 19 February 2019. Available in:
  • Triplehorn, C.A. (1991)A review of the genus Phaleria Latreille from the Western Hemisphere (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Phaleriinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin, 45(3): 258-270.
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