Published March 19, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Two multi-stigmate Gomphonema species of Africa: Gomphonema kalahariense (nom. nov., stat. nov.) and Gomphonema chemeron (sp. nov.)

  • 1. Indiana State University, Department of Earth and Environmental Systems
  • 2. University of Colorado, Boulder, Museum of Natural History and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology


Stone, Jeffery R., Kociolek, J. Patrick, Westover, Karlyn S. (2020): Two multi-stigmate Gomphonema species of Africa: Gomphonema kalahariense (nom. nov., stat. nov.) and Gomphonema chemeron (sp. nov.). Phytotaxa 436 (3): 270-282, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.436.3.5, URL:



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