Published September 27, 2024 | Version v1
Lesson Open

SOCIO-BEE Tool Kit for Creating Citizen Science-based Air Quality Campaings



The SOCIO-BEE methodology is designed so that participants can assume distinct roles with different levels of responsibility and engagement. Whether you want to organise an experiment, manage participants, monitor campaigns or gather data — there is a role for everyone.

Active participants in the SOCIO-BEE methodology fall under four roles:

  1. Bears: Actors that sponsor, launch, set the common strategy, understand the domain/problems, and are willing to support societal and pro-environmental behaviour change through citizen science in the geographical scope they live or manage. Bears can be organizations, policymakers, city planners, associations or companies. Bears are essential facilitators supporting Queen Bees and beekeepers.
  2. Beekeepers: The managers of the hives (collection of volunteers taking an active role in an experiment). Beekeepers have oversight of all participant and manage campaigns and other activities.
  3. Queen Bees: Hive leaders who coordinate collective activities. Participants who are interested in leading citizen science initiatives and who also aim to encourage others to participate.
  4. Worker Bees: These are typically the most active bees in the hive and they take up a variety of tasks, from data collection to analysis.

In this Zenodo repository, you will find all of the information and materials necessary to run and/or participate in a citizen science campaign using the SOCIO-BEE methodology and tools.

Download the materials and we wish you good luck!


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