Published September 30, 2024 | Version CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0
Journal article Open

A Review on Human Robot Interaction in Healthcare

  • 1. Department of CSE, SVCE, Vidyanagar, Bangalore (Karnataka), India.


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  • 1. Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, SVCE, Vidyanagar, Bangalore (Karnataka), India.
  • 2. Department of CSE, SVCE, Vidyanagar, Bangalore (Karnataka), India.
  • 3. Department of CSE, SVCE, Vidyanagar, Bangalore, India.
  • 4. Department of CSE, SVCE, Vidyanagar, Bangalore(Karnataka), India.


Abstract: Robots are increasingly being used in healthcare delivery and their effectiveness can be determined through understanding their personalities. Nonetheless, healthcare human robot interaction (H-HRI) has not had a systematic or comprehensive grasp of personality. In the past Healthcare has presented benefits for humanoid robots. However, there is no systematic and comprehensive understanding of personality in health care human robot interaction (H-HRI). This paper examines some common scenarios in medicine and provides an exhaustive way to measure trust. Such a proposed paradigm highlights the importance of unambiguous communication among doctors as well as their expectations regarding robot intervention into a task that is centered on humans. Additionally, it shows how patients receive help from robots. Finally, suggestions are made that aim at improving patient’s confidence because the former contributes towards improved therapy efficiency levels. It Briefly Discusses Five Character Traits Also Personality Traits. These entail human-robot interaction factors.



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Manuscript received on 12 July 2024 | Revised Manuscript received on 10 August 2024 | Manuscript Accepted on 15 September 2024 | Manuscript published on 30 September 2024.


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