Published September 16, 2024 | Version v2.1
Software Open

ErlendNilsen/OpenPop_Integrated_DistSamp: Ptarmigan IDSM v2.1

  • 1. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
  • 2. @NINAnor


This release includes a range of changes and extension to multi-area workflows and documentation:

  • An additional workflow setup that is invoked from terminal and uses Nix shell and GNUparallel
  • Vignettes documenting multi-area and simulated data workflows with R/targets and Nix/GNUparallel
  • A slightly altered model structure that uses first-year recruitment rate to parameterise initial juvenile densities
  • Summarising of density across line transects within model to reduce memory load of the output
  • A new definition-time if-else that allows leaving out telemetry data
  • New function for calculating and visualizing sampling correlations between survival and recruitment
  • New function for calculating and visualizing two measures of generation time
  • Several updates to existing plotting functions

Single-area workflows can be run analogous to the multi-area workflows. The simulated data workflows are still functional, but they rely on the original setup from the v1.5 release.



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