Published March 11, 2022 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ara tricolor Bechstein, Proximal 1811


36. † Ara tricolor Bechstein, 1811

Cuban Macaw (Guacamayo Cubano)

Ara tricolor Bechstein, 1811, in Latham, Allg. Ueber. 4(1): 64, pl. 1.

Le petit Ara d’Aubenton, 1779, Planches Enl. 641.

L’Ara tricolor Levaillant, 1801: 13.

Macrocercus aracanga: Vieillot, 1816: 258.

Macrocercus tricolor: Vieillot, 1816: 262.

Psittacus tricolor: Kuhl, 1820: 16.

S [ittace]. tricolor: Wagler, 1832: 669, 733.

Arara tricolor: Brehm, 1842: 3.

Sittace? lichtensteini: Wagler, fide Bonaparte 1856.

Ara cubensis Wetherbee, 1985: 174.

Type specimen.—Neontological material (extinct during second half of 19th century): adult mounted, MNHN CG 2000–726, with no date, precise locality, or collector (see Kirkconnell et al. 2020, pl. 58).

Referred material.— Skull: lacking zygomatic arches, right portion of frontal area, and most of bone around otic regions, AC- 7 (Olson & Suárez 2008b: 287–288, fig. 1B: top [ventral], middle [dorsal], bottom [lateral]); rostrum, IGP/ACC unnumbered, at CZACC (Arredondo 1984: 18). Carpometacarpus: proximal half of right, AMNH unnumbered (Wetmore 1928: 4).

Distribution.—Cave and sinkhole deposits in west and central Cuba (see Appendix). Artemisa. Caimito: ACP (Arredondo 1984: 18, Arredondo & Arredondo 2002a: table 1, 2002b: table 1). Cienfuegos. Palmira: CCM (Wetmore 1928: 4). Villa Clara. Sagua La Grande: VCB (Olson & Suárez 2008b: 287–288).

Direct 14 C dating.—None. For two indirect conventional dating from CCM (>30,000 to 25,000 ± 2,000 14 C yr BP), see Kulp et al. (1952: 419, table 2 [two samples: pine cones and wood]).

Notes.—Rare in Cuban Quaternary fossil localities with swampy palaeo-environmental indicators (Olson & Suárez 2008b). One record from a cave deposit in Mayabeque province (Arredondo & Arredondo 2002b: table 1) is erroneous (see section III). Fossils from Long Island, Bahamas, recently referred to Cuban Macaw by Steadman & Franklin (2020: table 1 [‘ Ara cf. tricolor ’]). For archaeological records see Jiménez & Orihuela (2021: 171–172). For a summary of its distribution in historical times, natural history, taxonomy, phylogenetic position and skin specimens in collections, see Wiley & Kirwan (2013), Hume (2017), Johansson et al. (2018), Provost et al. (2018) and Kirkconnell et al. (2020).


Published as part of Suárez, William, 2022, Catalogue of Cuban fossil and subfossil birds, pp. 247-248 in Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 142 (1) on pages 56-57, DOI: 10.25226/bboc.v142i1.2022.a3,


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Scientific name authorship
Bechstein, Proximal
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Taxonomic concept label
Ara tricolor Bechstein, 1811 sec. Suárez, 2022


  • Bechstein, U. 1811. Johann Lathams allgemeine Uebersicht der Vogel, Bd. 4. A. C. Weigels & Schneiders, Nurnberg.
  • d'Aubenton, E. - L. 1779. Planches enluminees d'histoire naturelle, vol. 7. Paris.
  • Levaillant, F. O. 1801 - 05. Histoire naturelle des perroquets, 2 vols. Levrault freres & Levrault, Schoell & Co. Paris.
  • Vieillot, L. P. 1816 - 19. Nouveau dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle appliquee aux arts, vol. 2. Second edn. Paris.
  • Kuhl, H. 1820. Conspectus Psittacorum. Nova Acta Phys. - Med. 10: 1 - 104.
  • Wagler, J. G. 1832. Monographia Psittacorum. Abh. Math. - phys. Kl. Konig. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 1: 464 - 750.
  • Brehm, C. L. 1842 - 55. Monographie der Papageien. August Schmid, Jena.
  • Wetherbee, D. K. 1985. The extinct Cuban and Hispaniolan macaws (Ara, Psittacidae), and description of a new species, Ara cubensis. Carib. J. Sci. 21: 169 - 175.
  • Kirkconnell, A., Kirwan, G. M., Garrido, O. H., Mitchell, A. D. & Wiley, J. W. 2020. The birds of Cuba: an annotated checklist. BOC Checklist No. 26. British Ornithologists' Club, Tring.
  • Olson, S. L. & Suarez, W. 2008 b. A fossil cranium of the Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor (Aves: Psittacidae) from Villa Clara province, Cuba. Carib. J. Sci. 44: 287 - 290.
  • Arredondo, O. 1984. Sinopsis de las aves halladas en depositos fosiliferos pleisto-holocenicos de Cuba. Rep. Invest. Inst. Zool. 17: 1 - 35.
  • Wetmore, A. 1928. Bones of birds from the Ciego Montero deposit of Cuba. Amer. Mus. Novit. 301: 1 - 5.
  • Arredondo, O. & Arredondo, C. 2002 a [for 1999]. Nuevos genero y especie de ave fosil (Falconiformes: Accipitridae) del Cuaternario de Cuba. Poeyana 470 - 475: 9 - 14.
  • Kulp, J. L., Tryon, L. E., Eckelman, W. R. & Snell, W. A. 1952. Lamont natural radiocarbon measurements, II. Science 116 (3016): 409 - 414.
  • Arredondo, O. & Arredondo, C. 2002 b [for 1999]. Nueva especie de ave (Falconiformes: Teratornithidae) del Pleistoceno de Cuba. Poeyana 470 - 475: 15 - 21.
  • Steadman, D. W. & Franklin, J. 2020. Bird populations and species lost to Late Quaternary environmental change and human impact in the Bahamas. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117: 26833 - 26841.
  • Jimenez, O. & Orihuela, J. 2021. Nuevos hallazgos de aves en contextos paleontologicos y arqueologicos de Cuba. Novit. Carib. 17: 163 - 176.
  • Wiley, J. W. & Kirwan, G. M. 2013. The extinct macaws of the West Indies, with special reference to Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor. Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl. 133: 125 - 156.
  • Hume, J. P. 2017. Extinct birds. Second edn. Bloomsbury, London.
  • Johansson, U. S., Ericson, P. G. P., Blom, M. P. K. & Irestedt, M. 2018. The phylogenetic position of the extinct Cuban Macaw Ara tricolor based on complete mitochondrial genome sequences. Ibis 160: 666 - 672.
  • Provost, K. L., Joseph, L. & Smith, B. T. 2018. Resolving a phylogenetic hypothesis for parrots: implications from systematics to conservation. Emu - Austral Orn. 118: 7 - 21.