Published July 25, 2024 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Bactrocera (Bactrocera) Macquart 1835

  • 1. ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru- 560024, Karnataka, India. & Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
  • 2. ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru- 560024, Karnataka, India.
  • 3. ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru- 560024, Karnataka, India. & Keladi Shivappa Nayaka University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India & ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru- 560024, Karnataka, India.


1. Key to species of subgenus Bactrocera Macquart in India (Adopted from David et al. 2017)

1. Postsutural supra-alar seta present........................................................................ 2

- Postsutural supra-alar seta absent........................................................................ 41

2. Prescutellar acrostichal seta present....................................................................... 3

- Prescutellar acrostichal seta absent...................................................................... 39

3. Wing with faint costal band, subapical band fused with radial-medial band; scutellum with broad, black, basal, triangular marking; males attracted to cue lure (Andaman Islands).................................... B. frauenfeldi (Schiner)

- Wing with prominent costal band from cell sc to wing apex or narrowed after vein R 2+3 or discontinuous before expanding slightly towards apex.................................................................................. 4

4. Costal band discontinuous beyond vein R 2+3 with a break or very narrowly continuous before expanding towards apex..... 5

- Costal band continuous, of almost uniform width, sometimes with an apical expansion.............................. 8

5. Scutum reddish brown; face with two distinct black spots.................................... B. zonata (Saunders)

- Scutum black; face with spots coalescing to form a transverse line or separate black spots............................ 6

6. Face with separate black spots, tergites III – V wholly black................................... B. tuberculata (Bezzi)

- Face with spots coalescing to form a transverse line; tergites III – V not entirely black................................ 7

7. Abdominal tergites III – V orange-brown, tergites IV and V with narrow dark lateral margins; scutellum with a narrow black basal band............................................................................. B. correcta (Bezzi)

- Abdominal tergites III – V mostly black; scutellum with a broad black basal band.................. B. penecorrecta Drew

8. Fore, mid and hind femur fulvous........................................................................ 9

- All or at least forefemur with fuscous markings............................................................ 24

9. Scutum predominantly reddish brown or brown............................................................ 10

- Scutum predominantly black........................................................................... 18

10. Scutum with dark fuscous markings or mottled due to the attachment of muscles.................................. 11

- Scutum uniformly coloured, without fuscous markings....................................................... 15

11. Lateral postsutural vitta uniform in width and reaching intra-alar seta........................................... 14

- Lateral postsutural vitta narrowed posteriorly and ending well before intra-alar seta................................ 12

12. Costal band confluent with R 2+3, postsutural lateral vitta obscured beyond postsutural supra- alar seta, prominent dark fuscous spot on gena connected to eye margin................................... B. ettinabhuja Abhishek & David, sp. nov.

- Costal band overlapping with R 2+3, postsutural lateral vitta not obscured beyond postsutural supra-alar seta, dark fuscous spot on gena not connected to eye margin [in some specimens] ................................................... 13

13. Yellow lateral postsutural vitta tapering posteriorly ending at intra-alar seta, subscutellum black with medial red brown patch, medium sized species (6.29–6.40 mm), males attracted to cue lure............................ B. paraosbeckiae Dre w

- Yellow lateral postsutural vitta tapering posteriorly ending before intra-alar seta, subscutellum completely black, small sized species (3.91–4.2 mm), males attracted to methyl eugenol.................. B. kyrdemkulai Abhishek & David, sp. nov.

14. Costal band confluent with R 2+3 and narrow, lanceolate marking on thorax with red-brown colour, not broadened apically; males attracted to methyl eugenol................ B. dorsalis (Hendel) [reddish-brown specimens with lanceolate markings]

- Costal band weakly overlapping R 2+3 and broadened apically; males attracted to cue lure (Andaman Islands; also Bhutan)............................................................................... B. bhutaniae Drew & Romig

15. Scutellum with an apical black spot; males attracted to methyl eugenol........................... B. versicolor (Bezzi)

- Scutellum without apical black spot...................................................................... 16

16. Abdominal tergites III – V black, large sized species (7.8–8.3 mm); males attracted to methyl eugenol.................................................................................................... B. aethriobasis (Hardy)

- Abdominal tergites III – V reddish brown, medium-sized species (5–6 mm)....................................... 17

17. Abdominal sternites pale orange-brown; aculeus tip acute with preapical steps or projections; males attracted to methyl eugenol (Andaman Islands)............................................................. B. blairiae Drew and Romig

- Abdominal sternites fuscous to black; aculeus tip needle-like; males attracted to cue lure..... B. rubigina (Wang and Zhao)

18. Lateral postsutural vitta broad (> 0.15 mm)................................................................ 19

- Lateral postsutural vitta narrow (<0.15 mm)............................................................... 21

19. Wing with costal band expanding in apical portion, ceromata black, epandrium with posterior lobe and anterior lobe of lateral surstylus fork-shaped (lateral view); males attracted to methyl eugenol (Andaman Islands)...................................................................................................... B. ranganathi Drew and Romig

- Wing with costal band uniformly narrow in apical portion, ceromata reddish brown, epandrium not as above............ 20

20. Lateral postsutural vitta ending beyond intra-alar seta; males attracted to methyl eugenol............ B. dorsalis (Hendel)

- Lateral postsutural vitta ending before intra-alar seta; males attracted to zingerone........... B. syzygii White and Tsuruta

21. Scutum and pleural areas black, lateral postsutural vitta narrowed posteriorly; abdominal tergum III entirely dark fuscous to black; males attracted to cue lure............................................. B. merapiensis Drew and Hancock

- Scutum brownish to black, with area behind and beneath lateral postsutural vitta brown, lateral postsutural vitta of uniform width; abdominal tergum III never completely dark fuscous or black; males attracted to methyl eugenol................ 22

22. Costal band slightly overlapping vein R 2+3 .................................... B. verbascifoliae Drew and Hancock

- Costal band confluent with vein R 2+3 ...................................................................... 21

23. Costal band not widening from the apex of R 2+3 to extremity of wing; abdominal tergites III – V reddish with a prominent Tshaped mark [some specimens]............. B. dorsalis (Hendel) [reddish-brown specimens with lanceolate markings]

- Costal band widening gradually from the apex of R 2+3 to extremity of wing; abdominal tergites with dark markings in lateral regions....................................................................... B. paraverbascifoliae Drew

24. Scutum reddish brown with or without fuscous markings..................................................... 25

- Scutum black....................................................................................... 26

25. Costal band broad, confluent with vein R 4+5, expanded into an apical spot; all femora with preapical markings; males attracted to cue lure (Andaman Islands)..................................................... B. andamanensis (Kapoor)

- Costal band narrow, confluent with vein R 2+3, not expanded into an apical spot; midfemur with preapical spot; males attracted to methyl eugenol................................................................. B. psuedoversicolor Drew

26. Scutellum with an apical black spot; males attracted to cue lure........................... B. apiconigroscutella Drew

- Scutellum without an apical black spot................................................................... 27

27. Face entirely black; males attracted to cue lure............................................................. 28

- Face with two black spots.............................................................................. 29

28. Lateral postsutural vitta ending at or just before intra-alar seta and not narrowing posteriorly...................................................................................... B. divenderi Maneesh, Hancock and Prabhakar

- Lateral postsutural vitta ending at or a little beyond anterior supra-alar seta and narrowing posteriorly........................................................................................ B. nigrofemoralis White and Tsuruta

29. Lateral postsutural vitta ending at anterior supra-alar seta; males attracted to cue lure............. B. neonigrotibialis Drew

- Lateral postsutural vitta extending beyond anterior supra-alar seta, normally reaching or enclosing intra-alar seta........ 30

30. Mesopleuron (anepisternal) stripe broad, almost reaching postpronotal lobe; costal band expanded into a distinct semicircular apical spot; aculeus apically trilobed; males attracted to known lures (latilure - Alpha-ionol + cade oil) (McQuate et al. 2018)................................................................................... B. latifrons (Hendel)

- Mesopleuron (anepisternal) stripe narrow and not reaching postpronotal lobe; costal band uniformly narrow or only slightly expanded apically; aculeus often not trilobed; male attraction to lures variable.................................... 31

31. All femora with preapical dark spots or bands.............................................................. 32

- Only forefemur or fore and hind femora with preapical dark spots.............................................. 33

32. Costal band narrow, confluent with R 2+3................................................................... 33

- Costal band broad, confluent with R 4+5; males attracted to cue lure (Andaman Islands)................ B. limbifera (Bezzi)

33. Costal band slightly expanded in apical portion; three pairs of frontal setae; aculeus apically trilobed; males not attracted to known lures...................................................... B. prabhakari Maneesh, Gupta & Hancock

- Costal bend evenly narrow in apical portion, not expanded; two pairs of frontal setae; aculeus apically needle-like or bifid..................................................................................................... 34

34. Face without a black medial band; postpronotal lobe with extensive fuscous markings, female aculeus tip acute, spicules of eversible membrane broad with 8–10 small projections; males attracted to methyl eugenol........... B. caryeae (Kapoor)

- Face with a black longitudinal medial band in addition to the two spots in antennal furrows; postpronotal lobe without extensive fuscous markings, female aculeus tip bifid, spicules of eversible membrane conical-shaped; male unknown......................................................................................... B. furcata David and Hancock

35. Only forefemur with preapical dark spot.................................................................. 36

- Fore and hind femora with preapical dark spots; males attracted to methyl eugeno................... B. neoarecae Drew

36. Costal band broadened towards apex and ending near middle of cell r 4+5 ......................................... 37

- Costal band of uniform width........................................................................... 38

37. Abdomen with a prominent T-shaped pattern; males attracted to methyl eugenol (Andaman Islands)............................................................................................... B. carambolae Drew and Hancock

- Abdomen with diffuse dark colour pattern; males attracted to cue lure (Andaman Islands)................................................................................................... B. melastomatos Drew and Hancock

38. Postpronotal lobe yellow; males attracted to cue lure................................. B. vishnu Drew and Hancock

- Postpronotal lobe with dark red-brown anteromedial corner; males attracted to methyl eugenol.... B. amarambalensis Drew

39. Wing with basal cells (bc and c) with a fulvous tint; costal band almost confluent with R 4+5 and expanded into a broad spot towards apex; scutum with fuscous or black areas; males attracted to cue lure (Andaman Islands) [some specimens]..................................................................................... B. andamanensis (Kapoor)

- Wing with basal cells (bc and c) either fuscous or colourless; costal band either of uniform width or with a narrow or bare section distal to the apex of R 2+3 before expanding into a small apical spot; scutum without dark patches; males attracted to methyl eugenol...................................................................................... 40

40. Basal cells (bc and c) fuscous; costal band almost confluent with R 4+5 and slightly widening towards apex...................................................................................... B. apicofuscans White and Tsuruta

- Basal cells (bc and c) colourless; costal band with a narrow or bare section distal to the apex of R 2+3 before expanding into a small apical spot........................................................................ B. affinis (Hardy)

41. Scutum reddish brown; prescutellar acrostichal setae present; aculeus tip trilobed; males attracted to cue lure.......................................................................................... B. digressa Radhakrishnan

- Scutum black; prescutellar acrostichal setae absent; females not known; males attracted to cue lure............................................................................................... B. fastigata Tsuruta and White


Published as part of Abhishek, Venkateshaiah, David, Karamankodu Jacob & Pradeep, Shivanand, 2024, Two new species and a new record of Bactrocera Macquart (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae: Dacini) from India with an updated key to species of subgenus Bactrocera, pp. 283-300 in Zootaxa 5486 (2) on pages 284-286, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5486.2.6,


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Bactrocera (Bactrocera) Macquart, 1835 sec. Abhishek, David & Pradeep, 2024


  • David, K. J., Hancock, D. L., Singh, S. K., Ramani, S., Behere, G. T. & Salini, S. (2017) New species, new records and updated subgeneric key of Bactrocera Macquart (Diptera: Tephritidae: Dacinae: Dacini) from India. Zootaxa, 4272 (3), 386 - 400. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4272.3.4
  • McQuate, G. T., Royer, J. E. & Sylva, C. D. (2018) Field Trapping Bactrocera latifrons (Diptera: Tephritidae) with Select Eugenol