Published September 2024 | Version 2.0
Dataset Open

Dataset "Elite Burials of the Late Urnfield Period"

  • 1. Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz


Dataset "Elite Burials of the Late Urnfield Period (Ha B3)", Version 2.0

These files contain the dataset used for analysis in Deicke 2021 (Version 1.0, German) und Deicke submitted (Version 2.0, English).
The underlying data model is based on the CIDOC CRM, Version 7.1.2 (Bekiari et al. 2022), therefore class names of the CRM are used for graves (E19), and grave goods (E22).

The tabular data was transformed into a graph database (Neo4j Version 5.12.0), in which relations were created and from which data was exported for subsequent network analysis. This dataset contains the csv-tables as well as the queries from which this database was created.

The dataset contains the following files:
  • nodesE19.csv: List of graves and their attributes, including features (as in E25 human-made features) and the deposition of animal bones
  • nodesE22.csv: List of grave good and their attributes
  • queries.txt: Cypher-queries to import the data into a Neo4j-graph database
  • translation.csv: Concordance of German descriptors (Version 1) and their English translations (Version 2) for categories to which grave goods were assigned


This file contains information on the individual graves which are modelled as instances of class E19 Physical Object of the CIDOC CRM.
SIZE: 84 graves, 13 variables

Variable descriptions

  • id: Unique id of grave
  • name: Name of the grave, administrative units (mostly level 3 NUTS), and further denominations (e.g., plots)
  • country: Country where the grave is located
  • shortName: Label for network analysis, derived from "name"
  • dateOfDiscovery: Date when the grave was first discovered and/or excavated
  • poorPreservation: Binary attribute (1, 0). Some graves are so poorly preserved that they had to be excluded from certain analyses; this attribute assigns the respective status.
The next block of attributes describes the architectural features of the grave and if animal bones were deposited. Each attribute is encoded as a binary value, with "0" signifying the absence, "1" the existence of a certain feature:
  • tumulus
  • circularDitch
  • graveGarden
  • stones
  • stoneCircle
  • architectureInternal
  • animalBones
These attributes also include instances where the existence of the architectural feature is only alleged by literary tradition or hearsay, and not further corroborated by evidence such as fotographs or drawings.


This file contains information on the objects contained as grave goods in the E19-graves which are modelled as instances of class E22 Human-Made Object of the CIDOC CRM, their attributes, and their relations.
SIZE: 1321 objects, 6 variables

Variable descriptions

  • E19_id: Unique id of the grave which contained the object
  • E22_id: Unique id of the object
  • feature: Category assigned to the object (e.g., sword)
  • featureComposite: For some of the network analyses, composite categories were used (i.e., belt component)
  • material: Material or materials from which the object was made
  • description: Short description in German, derived from the original documentation, as a reference for categorization


To execute the queries, first the files nodesE19.csv and nodesE22.csv need to be copied into the import folder of the database. All queries refer to version 5.12.0 of Neo4j.


This file contains a reference of the original German names of feature categories (Version 1) and their English counterparts (Version 2).
SIZE: 67 feature categories, 2 variables


Bekiari, C., Bruseker, G., Canning, E., Doerr, M., Michon, P., Christian-Emil, O., Stephen, S., & Velios, A. (2022). Volume A: Definition of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. Version 7.1.2. ICOM/CIDOC Documentation Standards Group/CRM Special Interest Group.
Deicke, A. (2021). Zwischen Individuum und communitas. Identitätskonstruktion späturnenfelderzeitlicher Eliten im Spiegel funeraler Statusnetzwerke. Universitätsforsch. Prähist. Arch. 358. Habelt.

Deicke, A. (submitted). „‘Slow‘ network research? A mixed-method approach towards funeral status representation in the Late Urnfield period”.



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