Published September 9, 2024 | Version v1
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Model trained on 11th century manuscripts to produce expanded transcription (Latin).

  • 1. Universität Kassel


This model has been trained as part of the ongoing edition project Burchards Dekret Digital (, funded by the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz. It is the project's first high-quality model specifically designed to produce a normalized transcription. The model was trained on three 11th-century manuscripts that can be traced to the episcopal scriptorium in Worms: Bamberg, SB, Msc.Can.6 (, Frankfurt, UB, Ms. Barth. 50 ( and Vatican, BAV, ( However, it also works well as a base model for later medieval scripts. The model was trained by Dr. Michael Schonhardt (Universität Kassel, Transcriptions were provided and proofread by Helena Geitz, Daniel Gneckow, Dr. Andreas Grote, Prof. Dr. Lotte Kéry, Dr. Birgit Kynast, Dr. Hans-Christian Lehner, Dr. Melanie Panse-Buchwalter, Michaela Parma, Dr. Cornelia Scherer, Dr. Michael Schonhardt and Dr. des. Elena Vanelli. The project is led by Prof. Dr. Ingrid Baumgärtner, Prof. Dr. Klaus Herbers and Prof. Dr. Ludger Körntgen. The model was trained in 47 epochs using a learning rate of 0.0008 and a batch size of 64.



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