Published September 8, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

N2O production under deoxygenation and warming in Chesapeake Bay

  • 1. ROR icon Princeton University
  • 2. ROR icon Alcimed
  • 3. ROR icon Virginia Institute of Marine Science


The dataset - "N2O production under deoxygenation and warming in Chesapeake Bay" presents measurements of N2O production rates under experimentally manipulated oxygen and temperature changes in Chesapeake Bay - the largest estuary in the United States. The sampling stations and biogeochemical properties of the sampling stations are also included in the dataset.

Obervations of N2O concentrations from previous studies and from this study have been compiled into the dataset called "N2O concentration observations in Chesapeake Bay". 

The manuscript describing these results is under review.  


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