Published August 30, 2024 | Version,Vol16,Issue8,Article238.pdf
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Correlation Study of Cytology and Radiology (Ultrasound) in Diagnosing Thyroid Nodules using BETHESDA and TIRADS

  • 1. Postgraduate Resident, Department of Pathology, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College Agroha, Hisar, Haryana
  • 2. Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College Agroha, Hisar, Haryana
  • 3. Professor and Head, Department of Radiology, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha, Hisar, Haryana
  • 4. Post Graduate Resident, Department of Pathology, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College Agroha, Hisar, Haryana


Introduction: Thyroid is afflicted by various pathologies ranging from diffuse enlargement to nodular lesions. Nodules in thyroid are of greatest concern as they may have an underlying malignancy. Ultrasound is considered an initial investigation in diagnosing thyroid nodules and cytology remains confirmatory. Due to lack of a standardized system for reporting, interpretation of cytology reports was difficult for clinicians. So for the provision of uniform diagnostic terminology a standardized category based evaluation was proposed as The Bethesda System of Reporting Thyroid Cytology (TBSRTC). The combination of TIRADS with TBSRTC together was found to have high sensitivity and specificity. Our study aims to analyse the diagnostic utility of TIRADS and TBSRTC in reporting thyroid cytology and to observe the concordance. Result & Conclusion: The Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV and NPV were found out to be 83.33% and 87.5% 62.5% and 95.45% respectively. The test and the gold standard agree on 52 out of 60 having a diagnostic accuracy of 86.66%. Stratification of thyroid nodules according to TIRADS, can help in limiting the FNAC only on suspicious nodules, thus avoiding unnecessary aspiration. FNAC is a minimally invasive and inexpensive tool but such invasive procedure can be avoided for patients belonging to TIRADS I and II. FNAC as a confirmatory test should be performed in TIRADS III, IV, V nodules.




Abstract (English)

Introduction: Thyroid is afflicted by various pathologies ranging from diffuse enlargement to nodular lesions. Nodules in thyroid are of greatest concern as they may have an underlying malignancy. Ultrasound is considered an initial investigation in diagnosing thyroid nodules and cytology remains confirmatory. Due to lack of a standardized system for reporting, interpretation of cytology reports was difficult for clinicians. So for the provision of uniform diagnostic terminology a standardized category based evaluation was proposed as The Bethesda System of Reporting Thyroid Cytology (TBSRTC). The combination of TIRADS with TBSRTC together was found to have high sensitivity and specificity. Our study aims to analyse the diagnostic utility of TIRADS and TBSRTC in reporting thyroid cytology and to observe the concordance. Result & Conclusion: The Sensitivity, Specificity, PPV and NPV were found out to be 83.33% and 87.5% 62.5% and 95.45% respectively. The test and the gold standard agree on 52 out of 60 having a diagnostic accuracy of 86.66%. Stratification of thyroid nodules according to TIRADS, can help in limiting the FNAC only on suspicious nodules, thus avoiding unnecessary aspiration. FNAC is a minimally invasive and inexpensive tool but such invasive procedure can be avoided for patients belonging to TIRADS I and II. FNAC as a confirmatory test should be performed in TIRADS III, IV, V nodules.






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