Published April 29, 2024 | Version v1
Report Open

Workshop Summary Report - Libraries vs. Predators: From Theory to Practice

  • 1. ROR icon Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy
  • 2. ROR icon Czech University of Life Sciences Prague


  • 1. ROR icon Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information


Predatory practices, which exploit the Open Access publishing model for profit without providing the rigorous editorial and publishing standards expected in scholarly communication, have become a pressing concern. In response to these issues, a dedicated workshop was organised to empower librarians in Slovakia and the Czech Republic with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle these unethical practices effectively.

This workshop, held under the auspices of the Roadmap to Improve Ethics in Science and Curb Predatory Publishing (RESCUE), was collaboratively organised by the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Central Library of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Slovak Library Association, and the Association of Libraries of Czech Universities. The event aimed to foster cooperation among librarians from both countries, share good practices and discuss the region's local specificities regarding predatory issues.

In a hybrid format, the workshop facilitated a blend of theoretical insights and practical, hands-on learning. The morning session focused on delivering theoretical knowledge through expert presentations, whereas the afternoon was devoted to an interactive workshop focused on communicating information about predators among the scientific community, primarily through the methodological analysis of teaching exercises.

This report summarises the workshop proceedings, outlines the discussions, and presents the outcomes and recommendations for future actions. By doing so, it aims to provide a comprehensive overview that reflects the workshop's content and serves as a resource for furthering the fight against predatory practices in scholarly communication in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.


Workshop Summary Report Libraries vs. Predators From Theory to Practice.pdf

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Roadmap to improve Ethics in Science and Curb prEdatory publishing (RESCUE) 2023/2024
InterAcademy Partnership