Published October 27, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Cinnamomum ucrainicum Schmalhausen 1883


Cinnamomum ucrainicum Schmalhausen (1883: 309 [27], 1884a: 68, 1884b: 356).

Lectotype (designated here):— UKRAINE. Cherkasy region, Katerynopil’, Schmalhausen coll. (National Museum of Natural History 42/931!, Kyiv, Ukraine); Eocene – illustrated by Schmalhausen 1883: pl. 5: fig. 14.

IFPNI: A27AC6E4-DC34-4006-BABD-3DFC3DC85C07.

Note:—The fossil-species Cinnamomum ucrainicum Schmalhausen (1883: 309 [=p. 27 in separate pagination of fascicle] (German original version); republished in Russian: 1884a: 68 & 1884b: 356), was described from the Upper Eocene sediments of Katerynopil’, Cherkasy region, Ukraine (formerly Katerinopol’, Kiev Gouvernement of the Russian Empire). The fossil-species was regarded as doubtful by Imchanitzkaja & Sveshnikova (1975: 34) due to its fragmentary preservation, although they definitely allied the fossil-species to several extant Cinnamomum species, viz. C. aromaticum Nees (in Wallich 1831: 74), C. cassia (Linnaeus 1753: 369) J. Presl (in Berchtold & Presl 1825: 44), C. javanicum Blume, C. lampongum Miquel (1861: 358), C. obtusifolium Nees (in Wallich 1831: 73), C. tamala (Buchanan-Hamilton 1822: 533) T. Nees & Nees (in T. Nees & Ebermaier 1831: 426), and the fossil-species C. rossmaessleri Heer (1856: 84) from the Upper Eocene sediments of Staré Sedlo, Karlovarský kraj, Czech Republic (formerly Altsattel, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary). It is lectotypified here by the selection of the best preserved specimen 42/931, now kept in the National Museum of Natural History, Kyiv, Ukraine (figured by Schmalhausen 1883: pl. 5: fig. 14).


Published as part of Doweld, Alexander B., 2017, New names in Cinnamomoides, Cinnamomum and Neolitsea (Lauraceae), and Pterospermum (Malvaceae), fossil and living, pp. 189-201 in Phytotaxa 326 (3) on page 193, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.326.3.3,


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Cinnamomum ucrainicum Schmalhausen, 1883 sec. Doweld, 2017


  • Schmalhausen, I. F. (1883) Beitrage zur Tertiarflora Sud-West-Russlands. Palaeontologische Abhandlungen 1: 283 [1] - 336 [53]. Available from: http: // biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 11309653 (accessed 1 October 2017)
  • Imchanitzkaja, N. N. [IмkaнitkaЯ, Н. Н.] & Sveshnikova, I. N. [СviSнikova, I. Н.] (1975 ' 1974 ') Cinnamomum Schaeff. Vidы, uсtaнovлiнныi po лiсtьЯм [Cinnamomum Schaeff. Species established on leaves]. In: Takhtajan, A. L. [TaktadzЯн, A. Л.] (Ed.) IсKopaiмыi tvitKovыi рaсtiнiЯ СССР = Magnoliophyta Fossilia URSS [Fossil Flowering Plants of the USSR], vol. 1. Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie, Leningrad, pp. 28 - 35. [In Russian]. Available from: http: // ashipunov. info / shipunov / school / books / iskopaemye _ tsvetkovye _ rastenija _ sssr _ 1974 _ 1. djvu (accessed 1 October 2017)
  • Linnaeus, C. (1753) Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas. Vols. 1 - 2. L. Salvii, Stockhom, 1200 + 30 pp. http: // doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 669
  • Miquel, F. A. W. (1861) Flora van Nederlandsch Indie, Supplementum Primum: Prodromus Florae Sumatranae, part 3. Van der Post, Amsterdam; C. van den Post Jr., Utrecht; Fried. Fleischer, Leipzig, 320 pp. Available from: http: // www. biodiversitylibrary. org / item / 1866 (accessed 1 October 2017)
  • Buchanan-Hamilton, F. (1822) A Commentary on the Hortus Malabaricus, Part I. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 13 (2): 474 - 560. Available from: http: // biodiversitylibrary. org / page / 755222 (accessed 1 October 2017)
  • Nees von Esenbeck, T. F. L. & Ebermaier, C. H. (1831) Handbuch der medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik, vol. 2. Arnz & Comp., Dusseldorf, 500 pp. Available from: http: // www. mdz-nbn-resolving. de / urn / resolver. pl? urn = urn: nbn: de: bvb: 12 - bsb 10286367 - 2 (accessed 1 October 2017)