Published September 29, 2017 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Miconia poeppigii Triana 1871


30. Miconia poeppigii Triana (1871: 107). (Figure 3 H, U.)

Trees ca. 12 m tall. Light gray rhytidome. Branches erect, quadrangular, not winged, brown; branches, petioles, leaves abaxial surface, inflorescences, bracts, bracteoles, hypanthium and fruits with stellate-sessile caducous trichomes. Leaves opposite, isophyllous; petioles slightly channelled 08.– 1.3 mm long; leaf blades 12.8–13.6 × 4.2–4.8 cm, chartaceous, concolorous, asymmetrical, oblong-elliptic, base attenuate, apex acute, margins entire, not ciliate, adaxial side glabrous, leaf veins 5, suprabasal; ant domatia absent. paniculate ca. 17.1 × 10.3 cm, terminal; bracts elliptical, caducous. Flowers 5-merous; pedicel ca. 0.3 mm long; hypanthium 1.4 mm long, campanulate, wrinkled; calyx double, persistent; petals ca. 2.1 × 1.2 mm, white, oblong, symmetrical, apex rounded, base truncate, margins not ciliate, glabrous; stamens 10, heteromorphic, anthers 1.8–2 mm long, white, oblong, straight, apex attenuate,1 apical pore, connective not prolonged, filament 1.5–2.2 mm long, glabrous; ovary ca. 1.3 mm long, half-inferior, placentation axillary, 3-locular, glabrous; style ca. 3.9 mm long, straight, glabrous. Berry ca. 3.4 × 3.1 mm, unripe fruit green, ripe fruit blackish; seeds numerous, triangular.

Specimen examined:— BRAZIL. Amazonas, Manaus, RDS-Tupé, 21 September 2013, fr., A.L. Corrêa 280 (EAFM!, HUAM!, INPA!).

Additional specimen examined:— Amazonas, Manaus. 24 July 1984, fl., S. Renner 978 (INPA!).

Distribution and habitat:— Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia (Goldenberg et al. 2013). In Brazil it occurs in Amazonian forests (Goldenberg & Caddah 2015). In the reserve, it occurs on terra-firme slopes on clay soil with low organic matter.

Comments:— This species is rare in the reserve. It can be recognized by the light gray rhytidome, and shiny, concolorous leaves with suprabasal venation and stellate-sessile trichomes.


Published as part of Corrêa, André Luis, Scudeller, Veridiana Vizoni & Goldenberg, Renato, 2017, Melastomataceae in the Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Tupé, Amazonas, Brazil, pp. 101-127 in Phytotaxa 323 (2) on page 120, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.323.2.1,


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Miconia poeppigii Triana, 1871 sec. Corrêa, Scudeller & Goldenberg, 2017


  • Triana, J. J. (1871) Les Melastomacees. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 28: 1 - 188. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1871. tb 00222. x
  • Goldenberg, R., Almeda, F., Caddah, M. K., Martins, A. B., Meirelles, J., Michelangeli, F. A. & Weiss, M. (2013) Nomenclator Botanicus for the neotropical genus Miconia (Melastomataceae). Phytotaxa 106: 1 - 171. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / phytotaxa. 106.1.1
  • Goldenberg, R. & Caddah, M. K. (2015) Miconia in Lista de Especies da Flora do Brasil. Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. Available from: http: // reflora. jbrj. gov. br / jabot / floradobrasil / FB 9666 (accessed 29 May 2017)